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Michael Moore y Farenheit 9/11
lo bueno es que EU es el país de la libertad de expresión...

May 6, 2004 – Editorial, New York Times
Disney's Craven Behavior

Give the Walt Disney Company a gold medal for cowardice for blocking its Miramax division from distributing a film that criticizes President Bush and his family. A company that ought to be championing free expression has instead chosen to censor a documentary that clearly falls within the bounds of acceptable political commentary.

The documentary was prepared by Michael Moore, a controversial filmmaker who likes to skewer the rich and powerful. As described by Jim Rutenberg yesterday in The Times, the film, "Fahrenheit 9/11," links the Bush family with prominent Saudis, including the family of Osama bin Laden. It describes financial ties that go back three decades and explores the role of the government in evacuating relatives of Mr. bin Laden from the United States shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The film was financed by Miramax and was expected to be released this summer.

Mr. Moore's agent said that Michael Eisner, Disney's chief executive, had expressed concern that the film might jeopardize tax breaks granted to Disney for its theme park, hotels and other ventures in Florida, where Jeb Bush is governor. If that is the reason for Disney's move, it would underscore the dangers of allowing huge conglomerates to gobble up diverse media companies.

On the other hand, a senior Disney executive says the real reason is that Disney caters to families of all political stripes and that many of them might be alienated by the film. Those families, of course, would not have to watch the documentary.

It is hard to say which rationale for blocking distribution is more depressing. But it is clear that Disney loves its bottom line more than the freedom of political discourse.
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Que hagan lo que quieran.

Siempre habra algun distribuidor independiente o solo hay que esperar el dvd... o el import en caso de que salga en otro pais antes.
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
Lo que faltaba, y es que el tema de impuestos...mmm....Di$$ney
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Al parecer, llegaron a un acuerdo:

Cita:LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -- Miramax Films dijo el miércoles que había alcanzado un acuerdo con Walt Disney, para permitirle que encuentre un nuevo distribuidor para el polémico documental "Fahrenheit 9/11", del director Michael Moore, que Disney se negó a distribuir.

"Estamos muy contentos porque Disney ha accedido a vender 'Fahrenheit 911' a Bob y Harvey", dijo en una declaración el portavoz de Miramax, Matthew Hiltzik, refiriéndose a los directores de esa firma, Harvey y Bob Weinstein.

Bajo el acuerdo, los hermanos Weinstein adquirirían los derechos de la película que hace una crónica de la respuesta de Estados Unidos a los atentados del 11 de septiembre del 2001 y examina los vínculos entre la familia del presidente George W. Bush y prominentes sauditas, entre estos la familia de Osama bin Laden.

Hiltzik dijo que los Weinstein están ofreciendo una "hoja de condiciones" a Disney, sobre la base de un acuerdo previo similar para una película controversial de Miramax, "Dogma" y que los hermanos "esperan ansiosos la rápida terminación de esta transacción".

Los Weinstein estarían libres entonces para buscar un nuevo distribuidor para proyectar el documental en los cines, posiblemente tan pronto como en julio.

Disney, la matriz de Miramax, se había negado previamente a distribuir la cinta que Miramax había financiado.

La decisión de Disney, que dijo había tomado hace un año, atrajo la atención periodística la semana pasada cuando Moore, ganador de un Oscar en el 2000 por "Bowling for Columbine", lo dijo públicamente.

Fuente: Cnnenespañ
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Pues no tanto acuerdo, sino que Disney vende los derechos del film y los hermanos wienstein van a conseguir otra distribuidora, dicen que hicieron lo mismo con Kids y Dogma.
Keep on Rockin' in the free world...
Pues de hecho desde un principio Disney aclaró que Moore y el Sr. Weinstein podían conseguirse otro distribuidor o distribuirla con dinero del bolsillo del sr. Moore...

Esto medio ponía en jaque a Miramax, ya que tendría que repartir las ganancias con su distribuidor (quien quiera que este fuere)
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Ovación de pie de 15 minutos en Cannes.... Ovación de pie de 15 minutos en Cannes.... tenía que decirlo dos veces para creérmelo.

ImdbNews escribió:Controversial film-maker Michael Moore's new documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 was given an unprecedented 15-minute standing ovation at the Cannes Film Festival yesterday. The film - which is vying for the Palm D'Or at the glitzy French event - looks at the links between President George W. Bush and the Bin Laden family, as well as the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners of war by American servicemen. Amid the controversy stirred up by Disney's decision not to distribute the film, the audience - which included Kill Bill beauty Darryl Hannah and rocker Mick Jagger - demonstrated their approval by hollering "Bravo" and clapping the piece for over 15 minutes. Miramax boss Harvey Weinstein - who is vying to buy the film from Disney and distribute it via another company - enthuses, "It was the longest standing ovation I've seen in over 25 years."
Keep on Rockin' in the free world...
Pues ojalá y con esto algún otro estudio se anime a distribuir... no se, Fox Searchlight, Warner Independent Films, New Line Cinema... creo que es una película que debe ser vista, en especial por los gringos :wink:
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Más sobre este tema....

H'wood hot for Moore's 'Fahrenheit 9/11'
Despite (or because of) controversy, film expected to be hit
Monday, May 24, 2004 Posted: 11:51 AM EDT (1551 GMT)

LOS ANGELES, California (Reuters) -- The White House calls the film "outrageously false," but Hollywood is hot for "Fahrenheit 9/11," documentary filmmaker Michael Moore's caustic broadside at President Bush.

A day after the film won the top Palme d'Or prize at the Cannes Film Festival in France, industry observers Sunday predicted the controversial movie would be a box office hit, even if some early reviews have been mixed.

"I think it will be hugely successful," said D.A. Pennebaker, veteran documentary director whose films include the Oscar-nominated 1992 election campaign saga "The War Room," which he made with Chris Hegedus. "It's going to get a lot of publicity, and this country is really in the mood for somebody to tell 'em what they should think, what to do."

In "Fahrenheit 9/11," Moore takes aim at Bush's handling of Iraq and the war on terror and traces links between the Bush family and prominent Saudis including the family of Osama bin Laden. It was greeted with a rapturous standing ovation at its Cannes world premiere, but not everyone was impressed.

Dan Barlett, the White House communications director, was quoted by the New York Times last week as saying of the film "it is so outrageously false, it's not even worth comment."

Also critical was the review in the entertainment industry journal Daily Variety which called the film a "blatant cinematic 2004 campaign pamphlet" and said it "fails to provide any hard facts or make any incriminating connections that a reasonably informed person doesn't already know about."

However, Roger Ebert noted in a column that "in the daily tallies of critical opinion conducted by the trade papers at Cannes, 'Fahrenheit 9/11' was at or near the top."

The reviews, good or bad, may not matter to the fans of the man behind "Roger & Me," and the anti-gun documentary "Bowling for Columbine." Moore, in fact, laid the groundwork for "Fahrenheit 9/11" a year ago when he accepted the Oscar for "Columbine," and launched into a tirade against Bush on worldwide television.

A few weeks ago he was back in the news again, complaining that Walt Disney Co. had prevented its Miramax Films unit from releasing "Fahrenheit 9/11." Disney said it did not want to be associated with a political hot potato in an election year, and noted that Moore had known this for a year.

Miramax co-chairmen Harvey and Bob Weinstein are in the process of buying the movie with their own money and lining up a distributor, which is not expected to be a big problem.

Thanks to Moore's knack for self-promotion, "everybody in America is going to know about this movie, if they don't know about it already," said Michael Silberman, president of distribution at IDP Distribution, which recently released "Super Size Me," a documentary about the perils of fast food.

"Bowling for Columbine" is the most successful documentary in North America with ticket sales of $21.5 million. His new one should at least match that, industry executives say.

"Whether you like Harvey or not, he's a die-hard Democrat and he's going to see to it this film gets exposed. It's going to make a lot of money," said T.C. Rice, president of distribution at New York-based independent studio Manhattan Pictures.

Moore has said he wants "Fahrenheit 9/11" to come out as soon as possible so that it will influence the November presidential election and send Bush back to Texas.

That could be a tall order, according to Kim Serafin, a politically moderate radio talk show host in Los Angeles.

"He'll have lots of applause from the people he's already preaching to, the people that already like him and believe in him and think he's a great filmmaker," she said. "And the people who don't ... they weren't going to see this movie anyway."

On the other hand, the Cannes win has given the film some legitimacy, and the film could bring out Moore-haters if only so that they can "know thy enemy," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of box office tracking firm Exhibitor Relations.

"When people are talking about a movie like this, they want to see what all the fuss is about. In an election year it's all the more appealing to people because everybody's in this political mode," he said.
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Finalmente consiguieron distribuidor... bien por Moore, y bien por los Weinsteins.... buuu por M. Eisner

LOS ANGELES - Michael Moore (news)'s award-winning documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" has picked up a U.S. distributor and will hit theaters June 25.

The film will be released by a partnership of Lions Gate Films, IFC Films and the Fellowship Adventure Group, which was formed by Harvey and Bob Weinstein specifically to market Moore's film.

The Weinsteins, who run Miramax Films, bought the rights to the movie from The Walt Disney Co., which owns Miramax and refused to distribute Moore's film.

The Weinstein brothers will personally finance and control distribution and marketing, they said Tuesday.

"I am grateful to them now that everyone who wants to see it will now have the chance to do so," Moore said in a statement.

"On behalf of my stellar cast — GW, Dick, Rummy, Condi and Wolfie — we thank this incredible coalition of the willing for bringing 'Fahrenheit 9/11' to the people."

Moore's film, which recently won the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival (news - web sites), attacks President Bush (news - web sites)'s handling of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and connects the Bush family with Osama bin Laden (news - web sites)'s.

Disney chief executive Michael Eisner said the company "did not want a film in the middle of the political process" because he believed that theme park and entertainment consumers "do not look for us to take sides."

In a settlement reached last week, the Weinsteins repaid their parent company for all costs of the film to date, estimated at around $6 million. Any profits from the film's distribution that go to Miramax or Disney will be donated to charity.
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Y aqui pueden ver el trailer del documental:
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¿Hahaha será complot o simple coincidencia...? Michael Moore esta que se lo lleva la fregada, la MPAA acaba de darle un Rating de R a este film, con lo cual, los menores de 17 años no podrán verla. Dice Morre (con mucha razón) que si los jóvenes menores de 17 son perfectamente capaces de ser enlistados y enviados a la guerra, deberían ser capaces de ver lo que realmente esta sucediendo allá.

Fuente: ImdbNews
Keep on Rockin' in the free world...
Por lo menos no pueden evitar que la gente que SI puede ejercer el voto la vea :twisted:

Y los menores de 17? Pues la veran en VCD, SVCD, DivX, Xvid, DVD, o cualquier otro medio.
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.....No se porque, pero cada vez que leo algo relacionado con Michael Moore, me cae todavia mejor el cabrón......
Farenheit es un filme 100% electorero, dirigido a los que votan... asi que la R es equiiiiiis
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
Chequen su programa The Naked truth, estaba buenísimo, ahí lo conocí antes de Bowling for Columbine, lo pasaban en el People & Arts, pero ya no lo he visto listado, aunque recuerdo que hay unos DVDs en Amazon.
Keep on Rockin' in the free world...
Y en el videoclub mas cercano tambien, Vicco :wink:
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Vicco escribió:Chequen su programa The Naked truth, estaba buenísimo, ahí lo conocí antes de Bowling for Columbine, lo pasaban en el People & Arts, pero ya no lo he visto listado, aunque recuerdo que hay unos DVDs en Amazon.

Me toco verlo, y le echaba bastante a los inmigrantes, tambien a los mexicanos
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
Observen los votos de este documental en IMDB:

Fahrenheit 9/11

O lo amas o lo odias, o es 1 o es 10 Confusedhock: Confusedhock:
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curioso... ya se fijaron que en "Non-US users" el porcentaje es mayor que en los demás?... que casualidad!... no creo que ningún "extranjero" esté de acuerdo con las atrocidades de bushito
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probablemente mañana la voy ir a ver
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
y recuerden, en noviembre no voten por Bush (para los que viven allá)... el mundo se los agradecerá Big Grin
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ya la vi.

en la sala habia pura gente mayor, osea 40+ años, vi poca gente joven, supongo que eran del otro partido por que se la pasaron aplaudiendo.

contiene varias escenas en texas y la gente bien emocionada jajajaja

cuando llega a mexico?
Chuck Norris owns the greatest Poker Face of all-time. It helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
La acabo de ver.

Me gustó, pero reafirmo mi idea de que la palma de oro fue otorgada en parte por meras razones políticas.
Dos pulgares arriba para Michael Moore, si alguien dudaba que con "Bowling for Columbine" ó "Estúpidos hombres blancos", iba a pasar a la historia, Fahrenheit 9/11 no deja ni una duda.

Lo que más me gustó:
SPOILERS!!!! escribió:
-Los pensamientos iniciales: ¿Esto fue un sueño? No, no puede ser. Aqui está Ben Afleck....y el señor Taxi Driver...¿que ha pasado?
-Los "pensamientos" y sobre todo, el rostro de Bush cuando en la escuela, le informan los ataques de las torres

Lo que no mucho:
SPOILERS!!!! escribió:
-Que las imágenes de los momentos después de los choques, en NY, la música está medio sentimentalona, digo, con las imagenes ya era suficiente para conmover
-Algunos pasajes ahondan varias veces en lo mismo, el ritmo fluye, pero de repente hay chispas de redundancia.
Los invito a conocer mi web/foro!!
ya la tengo, espero poder verla en la semana en partes en la office.
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico

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