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Buck Rogers in the 25th Century r1
esta es la info hasta el momento, se acuerdan de esta serie, era buena ,no?
Title: Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
Starring: Gil Gerard
Released: 16th November 2004
SRP: $89.98

Further Details
Universal has also announced a release for the complete series of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century which stars the likes of Gil Gerard, Erin Gray and Tim O'Connor. This five-disc set will be available to own from the 16th November this year, and should set you back somewhere in the region of $89.98.each of the episodes will be presented in 1.33:1 full frame.
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
mas info:
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - Studio Won't Let Stars Shine Bright In Outer Space Epic

A few days ago we first brought you the exciting announcement that Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - The Complete Epic Series would arrive on DVD November 16th.

We know that this is a 5-DVD set (expect some or all of the discs to be double-sided), containing all 36 episodes of the show, with an $89.98 list price. We also know that this is going to be shown in the original broadcast format of 1.33:1 video. What we hadn't had any word on yet was the extras...until now.

Naturally, there is a focus on the bonus material for this set, due to our April report that Universal had decided to drop the participation of show stars Gil Gerard and Erin Gray, who were ready to do commentary tracks and other possible supplements for the set. Since then, there hasn't been a word about this, and so far, Universal hasn't announced what extras, if any, would be included on The Complete Epic Series.

Well, today we have bad news for fans of Erin and Gil. We've gotten information that Universal has not - yet, anyway - changed their minds in regard to commentaries or interviews with the two stars of the show. As of right now, neither of them have recorded anything, I'm told.

Of course, there's still a small amount of time for the studio to change their minds on this, and get it done in time for the November 16th release date. I think they know how MUCH fans would appreciate that material to be included. For now, I'd suggest that potential buyers continue to send the studio feedback using the contact methods we described in our previous news story. And if anything changes, or if any extras whatsoever DO get announced, we'll be sure to let you know. So stay tuned!

Link to this page:
[Imagen: buckr_spot.jpg]
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - Complete list of specs for The Complete Epic Series

Universal Studios Home Video seems bent on releasing Buck Rogers in the 25th Century - The Complete Epic Series DVD info just a piece at a time. First they talked about the release date(11/16), and then about the price ($89.98 SRP). Then word leaked out that stars Gil Gerard and Erin Gray were not participating in extras for the set, confirming earlier reports.

We're still waiting for word about what extras WILL be on the set, if any, and we're waiting for the cover art to make an appearance as well. But now we have another piece of the puzzle: complete specs for the box set, including the Universal version of the episode count. Let's look at that one first.

We've referred to this release as containing "all 36 episodes of the series, including the 2 part pilot (which we assume will be 1 episode as originally aired)." Some readers wrote in to point out that and other online episode lists count "37" episodes. Well, we sort-of agree with that, since we usually count double-length episodes (like the Buck Rogers pilot, "Awakening") as "two episodes" in our own counts here.

On this particular news item we decided to call it "36" episodes, mainly because the pilot was also shown theatrically in the U.S. six months prior to the series launch, in a bid by Universal to generate extra enthusiasm for the show (and to generate some extra profit as well). The film was a slightly racier cut of the pilot, which you can read about at the Internet Movie DataBase (IMDB).

"Awakening" wasn't the only double-length episode, though. There was also "Planet of the Slave Girls" (second episode), "Flight of the War Witch" (concluding the first season), "Time of the Hawk" (opener of the second-season, which only ran 11 weeks), and "Journey to Oasis" (second season, second week). And those are just the ones which aired all together on a single night! In addition, there was the first-season episode "Plot to Kill a City", whose two parts aired in consecutive weeks.

Universal is keeping that in mind, and excluding "Plot", as they market The Complete Epic Series as featuring "all 32 episodes including 5 double-length episodes." With the five extra "halves" of the double-lengthers added in, that comes to the same count of "37" that came up with.

Universal also says that the set "includes the original pilot movie". While it's not spelled out, we can only assume that this refers to the theatrical cut of "Awakening", complete with the opening sequence and other footage and dialogue that the IMDB says was changed for broadcast. If that's the case, Universal might consider this a sort of "extra"...but at this time, they do not list it as such. So it's still vague as to what this refers to.

Other specs that are now spelled out are these:

PICTURE: Full Frame (1.33:1)
AUDIO: English Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono
SUBTITLES: French, Spanish
Disc 1: 6 Hours 23 Minutes, Double-Sided, Double-Layer (DVD-18)
Disc 2: 6 Hours 31 Minutes, Double-Sided, Double-Layer (DVD-18)
Disc 3: 6 Hours 31 Minutes, Double-Sided, Double-Layer (DVD-18)
Disc 4: 6 Hours 30 Minutes, Double-Sided, Double-Layer (DVD-18)
Disc 5: 4 Hours 4 Minutes, Double-Sided, Mixed-Layer (DVD-14)

That's all Universal is talking about so far. We're keeping a "Hawk" eye out for more info, and we'll bring it to you before Ardala shows up with the Draconian fleet! Stay tuned.

Link to this page:
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Title: Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
Starring: Gil Gerard
Released: 16th November 2004
SRP: $89.98

Further Details
Universal has also announced a release for the complete series of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century which stars the likes of Gil Gerard, Erin Gray and Tim O'Connor. This five-disc set will be available to own from the 16th November this year, and should set you back somewhere in the region of $89.98. I'm afraid that details are still very sketchy on this one at the moment, although we can tell you that each of the hit episodes will be presented in 1.33:1 full frame. The artwork has yet to be released either, but we've attached a single menu shot for you below. Further details will follow very shortly. Stay tuned. ... 10%26y%3D5
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
Se me hace demasiado cara pa lo que fue. No mas de 40 dolares, en mi opinion. 8)
Felicitaciones a Baidu, unico miembro del foro que lee todos los temas
HD DigitalBits Disney Club
este es uno de los menus:
[Imagen: buckrogersmenu.jpg]
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
esta es la portada del pack:
[Imagen: 618274h.jpg]
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico
TODA LA SERIE!!!!!!!!!!! Confusedhock: Confusedhock: Confusedhock:

es de Universal... hasta doblaje capaz le meten!!!!!!!!!! Confusedhock: Confusedhock: Confusedhock:
esta es la contraportada:
[Imagen: 618274bh.jpg]
Saludos Big Grin
Naucalpan,Estado de Mexico

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